We are Design & Build Contractor, specialized in constructed wetland, offering a full range of services located in United Arab Emirates (UAE). From turn key projects, to specialized reed bed products, and even financement. We always custom fit our solutions to satisfied our estimated client worldwide.
Design & Build
Our contracting company is experienced in Design and Build of waste water and wetland related projects, taking responsibility for both scope issues in order to offer a turn key project for our Client. Our Client and their Consultant in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and worldwide, have always been satisfied to work with our team of water expert completing their project within the desire time frame schedule.

Operation & Maintenance
We offer Operation and Maintenance of constructed wetland based on their important know how on reed bed technology in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and worldwide. Our purpose is to provide you, an esthetic waste water treatment, with zero smell and high quality treated water at all time. We have aswell an emergency crew supervising all electro-mechanical reparation 24h/24h.
We are financing your Reed Bed project through BOOT (Build Operate Own Transfer) in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and worldwide. The waste water treatment plant run by our team of wetland specialist, will process your raw water, provided by the public sector entity, which is after returned to the public sector utility to deliver to the customers in need of treated water. It is the best way for our client to take zero financial risk toward the capacity of the reed bed waste water treatment plant over the years. Please contact us for more information.

Specialized Products:
Our Wetland Experts provide you with a wide range of UAE and international water treating plants : Phragmites australis , Juncus socotranus , Elocharis geniculata , Thypha domingensis Cyperus laevigatus, Iris Pseudacorus, Salix Viminalis. We choose our plants according to different criterias : root system network volume and its biological productivity, the tolerance and purification toward the type of waste water to be treated, hydromorphy condition of the soil, and capacity of internal transport and release of oxygene from the rhizome network. We work aswell with landscape architects to combine esthetic and efficiency.
Specialized Product:
Our company is supplying Bio Activator that need to be incorporate within the sand filter of the reed bed or constructed wetland prior start up to the treatment plant. The Bio Activator is produced according to the organic farming regulation in order to permanently enhance the filter performance of reed bed system. The Bio Activator first increase biological activity by enhancing environmental condition for microorganism and nutriment supply for plant root system, then control the odor by supporting aerobic conditions and absorbing ammonia. This product is currently available in United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Specialized Product: OXY NOZZLE ®
We are developed easy maintenance nozzle that are custom fit for reed bed or constructed wetland application. Our nozzle have a special system anti clogging system that is frequent with waste water application. The success of our product is to generate a maximum of oxygen in the water with the lowest pressure and energy requirement. The product is manufacture with the highest quality standard in United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Specialized Product: HDPE & EPDM Liner Welding
Our team have a good experience in supplying and installing both EPDM & HDPE liner or geomembranes. Liner is the plastic or rubber insulation layer which is used for building water storage areas, pipes, tunnel insulation, or any other environment protection applications like constructed wetland or reed beds. We provide quality services including specialized testing of the waterproofing your project in United Arab Emirates (UAE) or in the Region.